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We are the community that hears stories from the people with disabilities who are advocating inclusion and learn from them to be aware of the need for inclusion in the given society in hopes that an inclusive Philippine society becomes tangibly possible.

How We Started?

It was founded by Mr. Roilan Marlang, Pasayeño, a self-advocate with Autism last March 8, 2017. 

This initiative started as Inclusion in Action. His agenda was to unite and educate both citizens and netizens about PWD inclusion via the core values of Hands in Inclusion.

Meet our Team


Our goal is to be able to reach out to proper channels of the government and private sectors to give aid and support to those who deserve this help.

We see that because of inclusion, the major sectors of our society will be embraced and supported, starting from our network and towards the rest of the country and eventually, the world. Through inclusion, we unify both our beneficiaries and the majority of society.

Get Involved


Because of inclusion, Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) will be embraced and supported by even more ordinary people in the world.


We, as a social awareness society, are encouraging ordinary people to be informed of the inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), and its benefits for them by means of social media and other possible effective means.


God-first in spite of our different religions

Truth First beyond reasonable doubt

People First

Pro Filipino culture

Pro Neutrality Rule

Pro Discipline